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 Programs & Services

Helping you build your perfect version of a high performing physique.

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Fitness Programs

Male Physique $97 / 3-distinct phases
Intermediate Level Dumbbell Icon
Advanced Level Dumbell Icon

Experience Level: Intermediate to Advance

Strength & Size

Why you should train with Strength and Size?

Putting on Muscle, combined with a caloric surplus, will put on heaps of muscle, and develop your best-looking physique with the Strength & Size routine. This comprehensive routine takes you through 15 weeks and 3 different phases of guided workouts so you consistently progress and never hit a plateau. This 5 day split places emphasis on the classic “V-Taper” appearance but doesn’t neglect the rest of your body so you can look and feel your best.


Are you a “hard-gainer”? The skinny guy who has trouble putting on any size? Then this program is for you. 


Gain strength by using the tried-and-true strength progression system. We begin all of your programs in a testing week to assess where your strength levels are at for key lifts. From there, we tailor specific movements based on your maxes so you can eliminate the guesswork and know you’re getting stronger.

  • Every phase offers variety and different protocols so you won’t get bored, hit plateaus, or risk overtraining. 


  • Each phase ends with a “de-load” week so you can make the best of your progress in the gym, recover more effectively and reduce the chance of overtraining so you can continue moving forward. 

  • Video tutorials for each movement.


  • Conditioning workouts are strategically placed within your routine so you can not only reap the benefits of a healthy heart but also keep your conditioning levels good to make sure it’s not limiting your progress or killing your results.


  • Want real results and the body you deserve, then this is it.

Fundamentals to Shaping Your Body 

Female Physique
Coming Soon/ 3-month plan

Experience Level: Beginners to Intermediate

Beginner Level Dumbbell Icon
Intermediate Level Dumbbell Icon

Why you should start with Fundamentals to Shaping Your Body?

In a world of instant access and convoluted information. It’s easy to get discouraged and overwhelmed with starting a fitness routine. Not here.


In this day and age of Instagram fitness, many individuals with a beginner to intermediate level of exercise experience are misled into thinking that they need to do fancy exercises, ridiculous amounts of cardio, and tons of advanced techniques to build muscle, gain strength and lose body fat. This is so far from the truth because the workout routines of many Instagram fitness influencers are specific to them, not for people with little to no experience. The reality is that most fitness influencers have already been training for 5-10+ years, often with incredible genetics. As such, many popular routines are not likely to be optimal for someone with significantly less experience and without a proper foundation.


With this routine, you can get back to the basics – the foundation – of what really works for shaping your body. This way you can be much more efficient with your efforts in the gym, build confidence and stop wasting your time with pointless fad exercises.

  • This well-rounded comprehensive Total body routine takes you through 15 weeks and 3 different phases of guided workouts. This is a 4 day split with a Glute & Core training emphasis. Having a strong butt and core is the foundation to a strong and healthy body. These muscle groups will directly translate into your posture and all movement patterns. Allowing you to progress easily into more difficult exercises found in advanced training phases. So that’s why we included them for your added benefit. 


  • Each phase ends with a “de-load” week so you can make the best of your progress in the gym, recover more effectively and reduce the chance of overtraining so you can continue moving forward. 

  • Video tutorials are included for each movement.


  • Conditioning workouts are strategically placed within your routine so you can not only reap the benefits of a healthy heart but also keep your conditioning levels optimal so it directly translates into your lifts not limiting your progress or killing your results.


  • If you stay consistent with this program, work hard, and leave it all on the gym floor every workout, you will become stronger, leaner, and more confident with exercise. Why, hello there to a new you!


Lean & Tone

Female Physique 
Coming Soon / 3-month plan

Experience Level: Intermediate to Advance

Intermediate Level Dumbbell Icon
Advanced Level Dumbell Icon

Why You Should Train With Lean and Tone?

Why not feel amazing to create time to feel beautiful in your own skin because it’s personal. Bring yourself to the forefront this year and get the body and booty you deserve. Train with confidence with a plan that’s made for you in mind. 

  • If you want to build a stronger, tighter, rounder, firmer booty, with sculpted shoulders with a lean mid-section, then you’ll want to do this lean and tone program. This well-rounded comprehensive total-body routine takes you through 15 weeks and 3 different phases of guided workouts. This is a 5 day split with a Glute training emphasis. With this step-by-step program, you’re going to learn what it takes to build an amazing butt and body, all while consistently progressing. I give you all the necessary components for you to see results and be successful. Special mobility and activation techniques are included so you can properly engage your glutes effectively and actually see improvements to your backside.​

  • Gain strength by using the tried-and-true strength progression system. We begin all of your programs in a testing week to assess where your strength levels are at for key lifts. From there, we tailor specific movements based on your maxes so you can eliminate the guesswork and know you’re getting stronger.​​Every phase offers variety and different protocols so you won’t get bored, hit plateaus, or risk overtraining. 


  • Each phase ends with a “de-load” week so you can make the best of your progress in the gym, recover more effectively and reduce the chance of overtraining so you can continue moving forward. 


  • Video tutorials for each movement.


Nothing BUTT the Glutes

 Coming Soon / 3-month plan

Experience Level: All Levels

Beginner Level Dumbbell Icon
Intermediate Level Dumbbell Icon
Advanced Level Dumbell Icon

Why you should train with Nothing BUTT the Glutes?

Have you struggled with achieving any success around your Glute’s size and strength?


Are you wanting to improve the aesthetics of your backside using resistance training to sculpt shapelier, high-performing glutes? Then look no further, this training plan is perfect for those who:

  • Struggle with gaining any muscle and properly engaging their Glute’s during certain exercises.


  • Have strong quads, adductors, and hamstrings compared to their Glute’s.


  • Spend a lot of time deadlifting and squatting and have little to no variety with Glute-dominant exercises. 


  • Individuals who are happy with their body, but want more gluteal prominence (glutes to pop more visually from their legs) without growing their thighs.


  • Want to improve gluteal strength to correct any muscular imbalances.

  • Want a variety of Glute-dominant exercises while removing the movements that typically develop the legs. 


  • This comprehensive Glute’s ONLY routine takes you through 15 weeks and 3 different phases of guided Glute workouts.


  • 3 dedicated Glute workouts a week. Additional muscle groups have been omitted, however suggestions for including the upper body have been included. If you’re wanting a well-rounded routine – see Bikini Body Ready or Strength & Size.


  • Specific mobility, activation, and recovery methods are provided as well so you can properly engage your Glute’s and get the most out of each workout.  




Experience Level: All Levels

Beginner Level Dumbbell Icon
Intermediate Level Dumbbell Icon
Advanced Level Dumbell Icon

Minimize overuse injuries, decrease joint pain and improve your posture all while enhancing your well-being with these routines geared to fix the most common problem areas of the body. 


Most dysfunctions with movement in the human body stem from muscular imbalances due to improper exercise form, improper exercise progression, individual health neglect, or lack of proper knowledge to deal with the issue – or all the above. We use evidence-based application of corrective exercise on some of the most common dysfunctions like – low back pain, shoulder pain, and neck pain. 

Strength & Size
BUTT Glutes
Fundamenals to Shaping
Lean & Tone

Services & Specialties




Get the nutrition guidelines according to your individual goals. From there, we’ll give you step-by-step guidelines and teach you exactly how to work the guidelines into your unique schedule. 


Nutrition is extremely important when it comes to creating the results you desire. If you’re looking to shape your body, increase energy, reduce the risk of disease and decrease those nagging aches and pains. Then it’s vital to have a grasp on the “how-to” of nutrition. You won’t see any “counting-calories” here. We truly believe that after years of research and field-testing nutrition principles, the average individual doesn’t have time to consistently track calories and macros. And if it doesn’t fit their current lifestyle or serve their body, then what’s the probability of staying consistent with it? 


The guidelines are easy to follow with example meal plans, grocery lists, a habit tracker, and a very unique way of controlling your portions per your body type and goals. We also provide the pros and cons to each popular diet system on the market today, giving you a glimpse into the benefits and pitfalls of each so you can make an intelligent decision on whether a specific “plan” is right for you. 


All the guidelines are evidence-based and are made to be tailor-fit to you and your needs. This program dedicates some detail towards a behavioral change philosophy that puts YOU in the driver’s seat. 

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